The Great Mouse Detective is a 1986 animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Pictures, adapted from the Basil of Baker Street series of children's novels by Eve Titus (published between 1958 and 1982). Books and movie focus on Basil, a rodent who lives in a mousehole home beneath the Baker Street quarters of Sherlock Holmes and conducts investigations in a similar style.
- Muppet Sherlock Holmes Issue 2 opens with narration by Watson (Fozzie Bear) describing a great detective, but instead of Holmes, it turns out he was discussing Basil of Baker Street. The line "He could get into any problem and fix it like clockwork" refers to the film's climax, which takes place among the gears of Big Ben.
- Wayne Allwine voiced thugs/guards
- Larry Grossman co-wrote lyrics to "The World's Greatest Criminal Mind" and "Goodbye, So Soon"
- Melissa Manchester wrote the song "Let Me Be Good to You" and performed it as the voice of a tavern entertainer
- Vincent Price voiced Professor Rattigan