The Jetsons was a prime-time animated sitcom from Hanna-Barbera which originally aired on ABC from 1962-1963. A new batch of episodes were created for syndication between 1985 and 1987. Like their stone age counterpart The Flintstones, the series envisioned modern life and culture in a world of a futuristic utopia of robots and machines, versus the prehistoric world of dinosaurs and bird devices.
- In the Muppet Babies episode "Muppet Babies: The Next Generation," an elaborate spoof is featured during the episode, with Baby Kermit, Baby Piggy, Baby Rowlf, Skeeter, and Baby Bean Bunny taking on the role of the "Spacetons." The episode features a riff on the theme song, and many of the classic Jetsons gags, including the automated dog-walker.
- Kermit the Frog gets stuck on a conveyor belt in a November 2017 Muppet Thought of the Week video and, frustrated, shouts, "Jane, stop this crazy thing!"
- When the babies time travel to the future in the 2018 Muppet Babies episode "Piggy's Time Machine", they find themselves in a neighborhood with houses built on stilts high over the ground with flying cars that use the same sound effect from The Jetsons.
- Mel Blanc voiced Mr. Spacely
- Daws Butler voiced Elroy Jetson, Henry Orbit, and Cogswell
- Ruth Buzzi voiced Felonia Funk in Rockin' with Judy Jetson
- Brad Garrett voiced Bertie Furbelow in the 1990 movie
- Howard Morris voiced Grandpa Jetson, Harlan, Jet Screamer (in "A Date with Jet Screamer"), and others
- Russi Taylor voiced Fergie Furbelow in the 1990 movie
- Rob Paulsen voiced Sky Rocker/Billy Booster and Zany in Rockin' with Judy Jetson
- Jean Vander Pyl voiced Rosie the Robot and Mrs. Spacely
- Frank Welker voiced Orbitty (1985-1986) and the Grungees in the 1990 movie