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Promotion for The Jim Henson Hour.



During the run of The Jim Henson Hour, weekly episode-specific promos with clips from the upcoming episodes and a network announcer aired each week on NBC.

The original broadcast of Sesame Street: 20 and Still Counting included two promos for the show during its commercial breaks. While the first one just showed footage from the first episode, the second featured Jim Henson talking about the show and what to expect.

Another, longer promotional spot was created featuring Kermit on the set of Dog City telling the viewer that The Jim Henson Hour is where "you'll see Muppets do things they've never done before." After a collection of scenes Kermit refers to as a videotape, he's joined by Ace Yu. Here, the series is said to start in January 1989 when it ultimately premiered four months later on April 14.


Press kit[]

An official press kit was distributed to media outlets with a two-page press release about the series, a credit listing, a three-page biography on Jim Henson, and two publicity photos. The press kit was packaged in a folder prominently featuring Zondra. A real safety pin was punctured through the folder over Zondra's ear.


See also[]
