The Organized Mind is a short film by Jim Henson featuring Limbo, combining live puppetry with pre-recorded film. Henson gave the premiere performance on The Mike Douglas Show in July 1966 (where Henson refers to it as "Organizing the Brain"). In addition to Limbo, the film features another character almost exclusive to this appearance, an oddity that has been dubbed "The Nightmare."
In 1968, the piece (with some slightly re-edited film) was performed on The Tonight Show, and again in 1974, assisted by Dave Goelz.
The soundtrack for the film was engineered by Raymond Scott, a version of which appears on a CD entitled Manhattan Research, Inc.
- The family photos that flash onscreen are those of Jane Henson and the Henson kids, Cheryl, Lisa, Brian, and John.
- Beautiful Day Monster makes a quick appearance towards the end, his close-up engulfing the camera as Limbo's organization falls apart.