The Project (formally known as The 7PM Project) is an Australian talk show airing on Network Ten. The program is hosted by Charlie Pickering, Carrie Bickmore and Dave Hughes, and a daily guest panelist. The series is produced by Roving Enterprises, Rove McManus' production company.
- July 22, 2010: Elmo and Abby Cadabby appear, promoting the 40th season of Sesame Street.
- July 2, 2012: Elmo and Cookie Monster appear to promote the 42nd season of Sesame Street. Cookie Monster learns the Australian lingo for "cookie," and both monsters receive one from the hosts. This appearance marks Cookie Monster's first visit to Australia.
- May 11, 2015: Elmo, Abby and Ernie talk to Rove McManus about Sesame Street's makeover for the 46th season. (YouTube)
- March 8, 2017: Elmo appears to promote Season 47 and sends a message to Adele about wanting to meet her.