The Real World is a reality television program that has aired on MTV since 1992. It is the longest-running program in MTV history. The show follows the interactions of a group of strangers who live together in a house for several months while the cameras follow their interactions.
"The Real World Muppets" was a recurring sketch on Muppets Tonight, spoofing the reality show. The show follows Clifford, Rizzo, Bill the Bubble Guy, Bobo and Darci (originally named Zondra) living together in one house. This segment marks one of the rare times in Muppets Tonight where Clifford wears his sunglasses from his other appearances.
Claustrophobic (Episode 205: Don Rickles & Coolio)
- Clifford never seems to have a moment for himself.
House Meeting (Episode 208: The Cameo Show)
- Clifford calls a house meeting in which Rizzo mostly criticizes Bobo's behavior, like the way he eats all his Rat Chow. This is the only "Real World Muppets" segment that was not a UK Spot.
Songwriter Darci (Episode 212: Daryl Hannah)
- Darci's aggressive anti-men (and anti-rat and anti-bear) songs hurt her housemates' feelings.
- Mike Mizanin was a member of the "Back to New York" season