The Seven Deadly Sins was a screenplay written by Anthony Minghella, which was in pre-production by Jim Henson Productions for ten years and never produced. The plot involved a man suffering a spiritual crisis. Faced with losing his wife and children to another man, the protagonist attempts suicide and is visited by the sins, anthropomorphized beings, supplied by Jim Henson's Creature Shop, who "force him to live life their way."[1] Seven Deadly Sins was first announced in the press following Minghella's successful film Truly, Madly, Deeply in 1991, already with Henson involvement.[2]
The project remained on the slate in 1993, and Duncan Kenworthy was assigned as producer in 1996.[3] In 1997, Minghella discussed in detail some of the hurdles involved in getting the story made:
By 1999, an actual crew had begun to form. Buoyed by the success of Minghella's The English Patient, the latter film's producer, Saul Zaentz, announced plans to make The Seven Deadly Sins in partnership with the Jim Henson Company. Veteran Hollywood director Stanley Donen, who had helmed such films as Singin' in the Rain, was signed to direct. Novelist Herbert Gold was hired to rewrite the screenplay as a working script. No cast had been selected, but a scheduled release date of summer 2000 was announced.[5] Later in 2000, writer Marshall Brickman was assigned to do further re-writes, and a premiere at the Cannes Film Festival was planned to encourage international marketing of the film, to be handled by Hollywood Machine International.[6]
In January 2001, trade papers announced that The Seven Deadly Sins had yet to start shooting, pushed to an expected mid-to-late 2001 "because the script by Anthony Minghella needed more time to be completed."[7] No further news of the project has surfaced since.
See also[]
- β Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. October 24, 1999.
- β Wolf, Matt. "Anthony Mingella." The New York Times, April 28, 1991.
- β The Hollywood Reporter. May 20, 1996
- β Bacon, Matt. No Strings Attached. p. 175
- β Stack, Peter. "Stanley Donen To Direct Sins' For Saul Zaentz." The San Francisco Chronicle. October 5, 1999.
- β Harris, Dana. "Machine, Zaentz 'Sins" Partners." Variety. March 2000.
- β Laski, Beth. "Forman, Zaentz Framing Goya Film." The Hollywood Reporter. January 09, 2001.