The Twilight Saga is a series of supernatural romance fantasy films based on the four Twilight series novels by Stephenie Meyer. The films star Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner as, respectively, a human, a vampire and a werewolf.
- In the final parody trailer for The Muppets (2011), the feature film Breaking Dawn is spoofed with Pepe the King Prawn standing in front of a window featuring a full moon. Pepe states that it is almost twilight and therefore time for "breaking prawn." The window is a shot from Kermit's mansion.
- A series of poster spoofs were released online the week of the theatrical release of part one of Breaking Dawn, featuring Kermit as Edward Cullen, Miss Piggy as Bella Swan and Rowlf as Jacob Black.
- When asked whether he was "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" for an interview with CNN, Kermit responded, "Team Kermit. Frogs, yes. Vampires and wolves, not so much."[1]
- In a Twitter post dated January 26, 2012, as part of the Ask Kermit promotion for the United Kingdom premiere of The Muppets, when asked again if he was "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" Kermit tweeted, "Team Edward cause I wish I had teeth!" along with a picture of the poster spoof featuring himself as Edward.[2]
- "Cookie's Crumby Pictures" parodied the saga with Twilight: Breaking Cookie, where Shortbreadward (Cookie Monster) must keep his "yumpire" urges under control to marry Belly. Also featured is a parody of Jacob named Bacob.
- Dakota Fanning plays Jane in the films
- Anna Kendrick plays Jessica in the films