The Walking Dead is an American horror drama television series that has been running on AMC since 2010, and is based on an ongoing comic series that began in 2003. The show takes place in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies and centers on a small group of survivors led by Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes and his family. The series has spun-off into two other series, Fear the Walking Dead and a post-show discussion program Talking Dead hosted by Chris Hardwick.
- Fozzie Bear tells a zombie joke in the Facebook version of the May 29, 2015 edition of Jokes! with Fozzie. He calls it his "Wocka Wocka-ing Dead joke."
- Issue #4 of the Sesame Street comic book features a spoof of the series entitled "The Walking Tired." Prairie Dawn, sporting a fedora, is informed that the monsters of Sesame Street have become "Walkers" (charity walkers, to be precise), who are very tired and affect others with their yawning. At one point, (mis-colored) Rosita and Zoe begin asking about the location of Carl (referencing Carl Grimes of the series).
- The series was spoofed in a Sesame Street segment appearing in Episode 4635 as "The Walking Gingerbread." The segment stars Cookie Monster as Sheriff Lick Graham (a pun on protagonist Rick Grimes), as he tries to keep his cookies safe from zombie-esque gingerbread men. The segment also features spoofs of characters Michonne ("Macaroon," performed by Leslie Carrara-Rudolph), Daryl Dixon ("Doughryl," performed by Tyler Bunch) and the Governor (performed by Martin P. Robinson).
- A pre-taped sketch shown at The Muppets Take the Bowl featured the Swedish Chef fending off against aged, moldy bread in "The Walking Bread."
- On June 21, 2018, Uncle Deadly tweeted, "My bowling team, The Walking Deadlys, needs a song to play when we're introduced at tournaments. We can't decide what to play, but we know it will NOT be "Monster Mash." [1]
- In the Muppet Babies episode "Happy Hallowocka," one of Fozzie's scary attractions is "The Walking Bread," a pair of bread slices that he makes walk by sticking forks in them.
- "The Walking Bread" was again referenced as one of several shows that Fozzie Bear pitches to Scooter in the Muppets Now episode "Fever Pitch."
- In the first season episode "Tell It to the Frogs," survivors Shane and Lori have an exchange about frog's legs with Shane stating, "We'll feed these folks Cajun-style Kermit legs." With Lori retorting, "I would rather eat Miss Piggy."
- Ellen Greene played Gale in "The Oath" (2013)
- David Morrissey played the Governor (2012-2015)
- Tyler James Williams played Noah (2014-2016)
- Rutina Wesley played Jocelyn in "Scars" (2019)