Mythical gods, figures of worship, or beings of theological origin.
- The Boss
- Buddha
- Cupid
- Death
- The Devil
- Gezma
- The Great Popsicle
- The Great Potato
- Jesus Christ
- Kahaynu
- The Mighty Favog
- Mugga Wugg Chapultepec
- Noah
- Osiris
- Rezal-evad-gib
- Sacrificial Idol
- The Spirit of the Telephone
- Thor
- Zeus
- Statler appears as the Christian God originally rendered by Michelangelo in his painting The Creation of Adam, in the Muppet Art: 1999 Calendar. He breathes life into Kermit the Frog.
- When an unseen Martin Sheen addresses Big Bird over the loudspeaker in I Love Liberty, Big Bird questions, "I thought on the seventh day you rested!"
- In episode 322 of The Muppet Show, Roy Rogers ends the show by saying "...goodbye, good luck, and may the Good Lord take a likin' to ya."
- In episode 516, Dr. Bob tells one of his typically bad jokes while the roof of The Muppet Theatre is missing. After his joke is met with a flash of thunder and lightning, Dr. Bob comments that he didn't think his joke was that bad, suggesting that the meteorologic response came from a being with some control over such events.
- In the Sesame Street book Happy Mother's Day!, Grover's classroom is decorated with a sign reading, "God couldn't be in all places at once. So he made Moms."
- "God save my little broken body." -- Rizzo the Rat, The Muppet Christmas Carol
- Miss Piggy complains that the lilacs in her dressing room don't smelly lilac-y enough in The Muppets episode "Pig Girls Don't Cry." Kermit, taking notes, writes, "talk to God about lilacs."
- When Rizzo asks Pepe the King Prawn why he's not flirting with women at Fozzie Bear's stand-up routine in The Muppets episode "Walk the Swine," his answer is "Even God rested on Sunday."