thirtysomething is a television drama which aired on ABC from 1987-1991. Following a group of baby boomers in their thirties in Pennsylvania, the show left a cultural impact on television in its wake, and its title entered the catch phrase lexicon for baby boomers.
- A Sesame Street sketch features the Count, the Countess and Prairie Dawn appearing in a TV show called "twentysomething."
- The show was spoofed on The Jim Henson Hour with the recurring sketch "Hurtingsomething", a yuppie drama from another planet starring Anthony and Fern.
- Dinosaurs made a reference to the series with the Dinosaur TV series "Thirtymillionsomething" in the episode "Charlene's Tale."
- When guessing how many kids there are in the world in We All Sing Together, one monster guesses "thirty-something."
- Rosalind Cash played Val Shilladay (3 episodes, 1987-1989)
- Paul Dooley played Bob Spano in "The Go Between" and "Samurai Ad Man" (1990)
- Jeff McCracken played Dave Calloman in "Payment Due" (1989)
- Kellie Martin played Robin Kramer (2 episodes, 1988)
- Lynne Thigpen played Rosie (6 episodes, 1989)
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