Music by | Joe Raposo |
Lyrics by | Jeff Moss |
Date | 1970 |
Publisher | Backfin Music Co.; Jonico Music Inc. |
First | Episode 0290 |
"Tu Me Gustas" (I Like You) is a Sesame Street song, frequently sung as a duet, with lyrics in both English and Spanish. The first singer talks about how she likes the other person, she likes their smile and voice and face, and hopes that the second person likes her too.
On Sesame Street[]
- Maria and Grover (First: Episode 0290)
- Luis (First: Episode 0356)
- David and Maria (First: Episode 0415)
- Luis (First: Episode 0525)
- David and Maria (First: Episode 0706)
- Maria and Mr. Snuffleupagus (First: Episode 2097)
- Luis and Maria (First: Episode 2385)
- Rosita and Gabi (First: Episode 4069)
- Elmo and Rosita on the video Elmo Loves You
- Maria on Sesame Street LIVE!.
- Vikki Carr and Grover on ¡Sesame Mucho!
- Grover to Oscar, included on Let a Frown Be Your Umbrella
- Elmo and Luis on Fiesta Songs!
- Cookie Monster in Music Maker
- Audio
- Sesame Street LIVE! (1973)
- ¡Sesame Mucho! (1974)
- Let a Frown Be Your Umbrella (1974)
- 60 Favorite Songs from Sesame Street (1975, Maria's version)
- Tu Me Gustas/Me and Yo (1976 single, Grover and Oscar's version)
- 10th Anniversary Album (1978, Maria's version)
- Fiesta Songs! (1998)
- Songs from the Street: 35 Years of Music (2003, Elmo and Luis's version)
- ¡C es para Canta! (2018, Grover and Oscar's version)
- O is for Oscar! (2019, Grover and Oscar's version)
- Video
- Elmo Loves You (2009)
- Best of Friends (2012, Rosita and Gabi's version)
- Online
- (Rosita and Gabi's version): (
- SesameStreet's YouTube Channel (Rosita and Gabi's version): (YouTube)
- Publications
- Sesame Street LIVE! (1973)