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UFO Mania is the fictional television series broadcast by "The Galaxy Channel" in Muppets from Space.

The show is produced by Martin on a set at WHHZ TV9 with inserts shot on-location by Mikey the Cameraman. Shelley Snipes has been the host of the show until she gets stuck at the airport. Miss Piggy, who has been interning as the "coffee pig", seizes the opportunity to fill in when Snipes can't make it in time for the live broadcast. Although she's come over with stage fright, she attempts to secure the gig by promising Gonzo's life story to Martin.

UFO Mania was on-the-scene at Cape Doom to cover Earth's first contact with an alien race. Hoping to make good on her deal to take over as host of the show, Piggy is filming an exposé when Snipes arrives thinking she's going to take over. After a brief physical altercation, Piggy knocks her out with a spritz of a mind-altering drug developed by Muppet Labs.
