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A list of inserts produced for Sesame Street, but never aired on the domestic show. This list excludes segments that have yet to air domestically, but have been seen on international co-productions.

Picture Season Description
Season 24 Monsterpiece Theater: Chariots of Fur (with newly-shot Alistair Cookie scenes)

"Chariots of Fur" was one of a number of early Monsterpiece Theater segments where the intros and closings with Alistair Cookie were re-shot so that he no longer had a pipe. Sesame Workshop would later include it in an online compilation of spoof segments. It was then used in the HBO Max edit of Episode 2356, replacing the earlier version of the segment.

Season 28 "More Than a Toy"

An insert version was made of Big Bird performing the song "More Than a Toy" from Episode 3606, using new wraparound footage in addition to scenes made for the original appearance. The segment has never aired, but has been posted on Sesame Street's YouTube channel.

Season 30 Singing in the Shower (remake)

Though unaired, the segment was published to for a period of time.

Season 33 The Letter of the Day: A

A Letter of the Day segment featuring Cookie Monster (Frank Oz) and Ernie was taped during production of season 33, but not included in any episodes. Another Letter A segment (with David Rudman performing Cookie) aired twice during the season, and once more the following year. The former segment would finally see a release on, where it was featured for a period of time.

Season 34 Global Grover: Angola Fishing

Though unaired, the segment was published to for a period of time and eventually was in the HBO Max cut of Episode 4182.

Season 36 "Cookie Monster, Food Investigator," a spoof of Dragnet.[1]
Season 36 Buzz Aldrin talks with a boy named Alex about outer space and space travel.

Though unaired, the segment was published to for a period of time.

Season 38 Alec Baldwin describes himself as a "closer" and closes things.[2]
Season 40 A parody of Jon & Kate Plus 8 with The Count adding the married couples' twins and sextuplets. After counting eight, Kate suddenly ends up giving birth to several children.

Though it never aired on the show, it was included as a bonus feature on the Best of Sesame Street Spoofs! DVD set.

4. Sesame H
Season 40 A pair of Anything Muppet cheerleaders (resembling Will Ferrell and Cheri Oteri as the Spartan Cheerleaders from Saturday Night Live) and the letter H.[3]
Season 41 Katy Perry and Elmo meet for a playdate in "Hot and Cold."

Released to YouTube in advance of its PBS broadcast, Sesame Workshop opted not to air the song after YouTube users' negative reactions to Perry's cleavage.

Season 44 Tyra Banks and Abby sing "The ABC Song," when the letter Z appears, taking umbrage to the fact that only the first three letters are mentioned in the title. Tyra convinces him to stay, converting it to the "A Through Z Song."

Though a clip of the segment appears in the season 44 trailer (YouTube), it did not appear in any episode of the season. It was later posted to the Sesame Street YouTube channel. (YouTube)

Eight Big Birds, in split-screen, rhyme Mr. Hooper's name, much to his annoyance.

While unaired, an excerpt of the segment appeared in the documentary A&E Biography: Sesame Street, and it was hosted on for a period of time.

Grover and hunter unaired segment
An interaction between Grover and Hunter Vogel, son of Matt Vogel.[4]
An interaction between Grover and a girl, where the girl tells Grover she knows all the planets, listing a few and then saying there's one that she can't say, which turns out to be Uranus.[5]

See also[]

