Unhappily Ever After is a sitcom created by Ron Leavitt, who also created Married with Children. Airing on the WB from 1995 to 1999, it centered on Jack Malloy, the father of a dysfunctional family, and his best friend, a stuffed rabbit named Mr. Floppy (voiced by Bobcat Goldthwait).
Muppet Mentions[]
- In the third season episode "High and Dry," Jack Malloy and his wife Jennie suspect that their son Ryan is doing drugs, after finding white powder in his car and on the towel of his bed. Since they really don't know how to be effective parents to their kids, Jennie says they have to go to the video store: "Sesame Street taught them to read, Barney taught them to hug. Surely there's got to be some hip happening puppet out there with more parenting skills than we have."
- In the fourth season episode "Exorcising Jennie," Mr. Floppy says that if he was a ghost, he would be in "that geek Elmo's dressing room with a knife." Then he looks to the camera and says "Hey Elmo, this murder is brought to you by the letter K... as in Kermit, my next victim. That skinny little tap-dancing toad. That chubby-chasing celebrity suck-up."
- In the fourth season episode "We Got Next," Mr. Floppy says he's not in toy stores "because I'm too much man. People prefer that neuter boy, Elmo."
- Pat Crawford Brown played Sadie Glickstein in "Bingo! Bingo! Bingo!" (1996)
- Dave Caplan wrote two episodes and was supervising/co-executive producer (1995-1997)
- Erik Estrada appeared in "Eating Hollywood" (1996)
- Brian LaPan wrote three episodes and was supervising/co-executive producer (1995-1997)
- Kristanna Loken played Sable O'Brien (1996-1997)
- Steve Lookner wrote "Basketball... Again?" and "I Know What You Did in the Closet" (both 1998)
- Hayden Panettiere played a little girl in "Little Ice Cream Shop of Horrors" (1997)
- Allan Trautman puppeteered Mr. Floppy and also made various on-camera appearances, usually as teachers such as Mr. Dunn (5 episodes)