Upstairs, Downstairs is a British drama, focusing on an Edwardian family and especially their large domestic staff. First produced in 1971 and running until 1975 in England, the series received its American debut on the PBS series Masterpiece Theatre from 1974 to 1977, and was repeated many times over the years.
- Sesame Street spoofed the series in a Monsterpiece Theater sketch, also called "Upstairs Downstairs," in which Grover repeatedly trudges up and down a staircase, exhausting himself.
- Later, series stars Gordon Jackson (Hudson the butler) and Jean Marsh (Rose the maid) appeared on Sesame Street, dressed in character and suitably prim and proper, in the celebrity version of Put Down the Duckie.
- Richenda Carey played the head nurse in "Tug of War" (1974)
- Karen Dotrice played Lily Hawkins (1975)
- Robert Hardy played Sir Guy Paynter in "Such a Lovely Man" (1975)
- Horst Janson played Baron Klaus von Rimmer in "A Suitable Marriage" (1971)
- Helen Lindsay played Mrs. Cochrane-Danby in "A Change of Scene" and "The Bolter" (1973)
- Frank Middlemass played Albert Lyons in "The Sudden Storm" (1974)
- Joan Sanderson played Mrs. Waddilove in "Noblesse Oblige" (1975)
- Richard Vernon played Major Cochrane-Danby in "A Change of Scene" and "The Bolter" (1973)