Who's Who on Sesame Street is a series of Sesame Street coloring books featuring portraits of both human cast members and Muppets. The first edition was published in 1977, with subsequent new releases every few years.
Most pages devote an entire page to either a single character or a group, with their name spelled inside an outline of the Sesame Street street sign placed at the bottom of the portrait. Other pages feature characters in various situations, or activity pages. Since the Sesame Street cast is always changing (and due to the large amount of featured characters), the coloring book has been published several times, adding new characters and dropping others.
1999 Edition[]
Illustrator | Joe Mathieu, Jowill Woodman, and Anne Duax |
Published | 1999 |
Publisher | Golden Books |
To coincide with the show’s 30th anniversary, the edition reuses Mathieu and Woodman’s illustrations in addition to new images by Anne Duax. However, despite being given credit, all of Woodman’s illustrations are redone by Duax, either redrawing the original images or completely replacing them.
An interesting motif used in the middle of the book is a series of pages made to look like a scrapbook titled “My Photo Album: Old Friends”. This brief passage focuses on characters that sporadically appear on the show or have been retired. The section uses Mathieu’s illustrations, with all images made to resemble photographs.
Pages recycled from previous editions are of Elmo, Ernie (1989 version), Bert, the Ernie/Bert drum page, Big Bird (1989 version), Little Bird, Big Bird and Little Bird, Grover, Grover in his airplane, Mumford, Mumford and Grover’s levitation act, Grover’s Mommy, Prairie Dawn, the Twiddlebugs, Ernie and the Twiddlebugs, Oscar the Grouch, Oscar’s Pet Worm Slimey, Oscar and the Mudman, Snuffleupagus, Alice, Snuffy and Alice playing, the Two-Headed Monster, Maria (1989 version), the Count, the Count counting his bats, the Countess, Biff and Sully, Telly, Cookie Monster, Cookie and Ernie and Bert’s page, Bob (1989 version), Farmer Grover, Barkley, Big Bird and Barkley playing, Linda, Herry Monster, Hoots the Owl, Maria and Luis working at the Fix-It Shop, Honkers, Gina and Elmo at Hooper’s, Betty Lou, the Martians, Dingers, Monsters, More Monsters, two of the group shots (leaving out the Big Bird and Snuffy page), Anything Muppets, the “Now Make Your Own Muppets” page with new text, and Ernie’s “Draw Your Favorite Muppets” page.
New images are of:
- Zoe
- Gordon
- Susan
- Rosita
- Benny
- Luis
- Super Grover
- Miles
- Roxy Marie
- Baby Natasha
- "My Photo Album: Old Friends" cover
- Album page with "photos" of Forgetful Jones and Rodeo Rosie
- Album page with photos of Placido Flamingo and Meryl Sheep
- Album page with photos with Don Music and Chris and the Alphabeats (only Chris is shown)
- Album page with Roosevelt Franklin and his Mother (redrawn based on the original 1977 artwork)
- Two-page album spread with Guy Smiley hosting "What's My Part?"
- Album page with Simon the Sound Man
- Album page with Mr. Hooper (redrawn based on the original 1977 artwork)
- Album back cover with an image of Rubber Duckie printed on it
- Tarah and Carlo
- Gina
- Kingston Livingston III
- Gabriela
- Ruthie
2004 Edition[]
Illustrator | Joe Mathieu, Jowill Woodman, and Anne Duax |
Published | 2004 |
Publisher | Golden Books |
To coincide with the show's 35th anniversary, this edition features cutout puppets featured on the back cover.
Some of the pages recycled from previous editions are of Ernie (1989 version), Bert, Big Bird (1989 version), Elmo, Zoe and Cookie Monster.