Wild Kingdom (or Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom) is a half hour documentary series that ran from 1963 to 1988. Hosted by Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler, the show ran on NBC from its inception to 1971. Following the NBC run, the show went into syndication with few new episodes produced. The show was revived again in 2002 with new host Alec Baldwin for the Animal Planet Network.
The original series was famous for its ecological and environmental mini films on nature, and for Jim Fowler's up close and personal encounters with wild animals.
- The show was spoofed in the 1983 Hallmark calendar, The Muppets Look at TV, with Waldorf taking the place of Marlin Perkins.
- The Elmo's World episode "Wild Animals" had the Lecture Lady presenting the show "Wild, Wild Kingdom" (combining the title with Wild Wild West).
- In I Love the 70s, Kermit says that Girls Gone Wild Kingdom was his favorite adult show.