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Zap Mama with Big Bird

Zap Mama is a Belgian musical group founded by Marie Daulne. The group performs in both English and French, and specializes in harmonic music infused with African instruments, R&B, and Hip-hop.

The group appeared on Sesame Street in 1994 to film three inserts, all written by Luis Santeiro. In one of them, they make jungle noises to cheer up a depressed Chicago the Lion (First: Episode 3285). In another, they use their voices to imitate a merry-go-round for Big Bird. (First: Episode 3292) In a third scene, they use their voices to simulate a car ride with Elmo. (First: Episode 3362)

Since their formation, they have worked with the Roots, Erykah Badu, and Ladysmith Black Mambazo, to name just a few.

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